The One Straw Revolution book is a piece of ... ... ... Mr.Fukuoka philosophy and experiments under the guidance of nature. It is based on the natural way of farming which differs it from other farming techniques. The book deals with the techniques of no tilling, no plowing, no chemical use, and no pesticides. In today's world where everyone wants to replenish nature for the sake of his profit which eventually leads to a disastrous scene, here it shows us how we can live peacefully with nature and can enjoy the true being ourself. About The Author Mr. Fukuoka was a Japanese farmer from the island of Shikoku. For more than sixty-five years Mr.Fukuoka developed a unique method of farming that has the potential to reverse the degenerative momentum of modern agriculture. His methods create no pollution, yet the fertility of soil increases with each passing season. despite his unconventional approach, Mr. Fukuoka's yields were comparabl...